Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Nibav Lifts values the privacy of its visitors and is dedicated to maintaining their online safety and privacy while they visit or interact with our website. Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy provide a comprehensive explanation of any personal data collected from you or provided by you. We may periodically update this Privacy Policy, so we recommend that you review it occasionally.

Data Collection

We may collect and process data during the operation of our website through the following ways:

  • Data about your visit(s) to our website and any resources used, such as location data, web logs, traffic data, and communication information.
  • Information collected from any forms you fill out on our site, such as when you register for information or complete a purchase.
  • Any information collected when you communicate with our personnel or site.

Cookie Usage

In some instances, we may use cookies to gather statistical information about our services and website for our advertisers. This information will not contain any identifying data and is only statistical data about our visitors and how they use our site. Personal details will not be shared that can identify you. We may also gather information about your general internet use with a cookie file, which is automatically downloaded to your computer when used. The cookie is stored on the hard drive and transferred information is used to improve our website and services. Your browser has the option to decline cookies by setting its options to decline all cookies. Please note that declining the download of cookies may result in certain areas of our site not functioning or being inaccessible. Our advertisers may also download cookies, which we have no control over. If used, these cookies are downloaded by clicking on an advertisement on our website.

Use of Your Information

The information collected about you helps us to improve and offer you the services you need. Some ways we may use your data include:

  • To respond to any requests you make of our site or personnel regarding our products or services. We may also send you information on products or services that may interest you, with your consent.
  • To fulfill any commitments we make to you.
  • To notify you of changes or improvements to the site.
  • To contact you as an existing customer about products and services related to a previous sale you made on our site.
  • We may allow third parties to use information that is not related to products or services you may be interested in, with your consent based on the information we collected. Only statistical information about our visitors will be shared and no identifiable characteristics will be disclosed.
  • We may contact new customers only with their consent, which must be given through our site. We will only send communications that you have consented to.
  • If you do not wish to give consent for our site or third-party use, you have the option to decline. Upon receipt of your withdrawal of consent, we will remove your details from any mailing or third-party communications.

Data Storage

  • Your personal information may be transferred and stored in locations outside of the European Economic Area for processing purposes. This may include processing payments or providing support for your product or service needs. The staff responsible for processing or storing your data may work for our third-party suppliers located outside the European Economic Area. By submitting your information to us, you consent to this transfer and storage. We take reasonable measures to ensure the security of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  • Your information will be stored on secure servers and all transaction data will be encrypted for added security.
  • Please note that online transmissions are not completely secure, and we cannot guarantee the full protection of your data. Any information you transmit to us is done so at your own risk.

Information Disclosure

We may share your name, phone number, email address, and postal address with our trusted suppliers, agents, or subcontractors for the purpose of sales advice, building works, installations, or any other related activities.

Access to Information

As per the Data Protection Act 1998, we are unable to withhold the personal information we have collected about you. The act gives you the right to access this information. If you would like to request access to our data collection regarding you, please contact us using the information provided below.

Contacting Us Please feel free to contact us with queries, requests, or comments you may have about our Privacy Policy.